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Dear Resident,

As you are aware, on July 8th the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) experienced a significant rainstorm, which resulted in severe flooding across the region. Many homes in Ward 3 were affected and following the storm, I toured many of them to witness first hand the devastation. My sympathies go out to those who were affected as you try to rebuild.

The Region of Peel and the City of Mississauga are working together to better understand the flooding and more importantly, how it occurred in your neighbourhood. I have been encouraging residents to call 3-1-1 to report flooding on their property to ensure that the Region and the City have a record.

In the coming weeks, inspectors from the City and the Region will be on your street to determine how water from the July 8th storm entered your home. These inspectors will be conducting a series of tests that will help determine any factors that may have contributed to flooding in your home and on your street.

Following this testing, staff will have a clearer picture of the July 8th flooding and will be in a much better position to provide recommendations and set a course of action to help alleviate future flooding in your neighbourhood.

Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation during this process.  I will continue to provide you with e-updates when information becomes available.  If you do not currently receive my e-updates, please send me an e-mail requesting I add you to my list.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.


Peel Smoke Testing Letter